LuminoKrom photoluminescent road paint, words from users
17 April 2021Find here some testimonials on the deployment of luminescent marking LuminoKrom
Since 2018, many communities have adopted LuminoKrom photoluminescent paint. Cycle paths, pedestrian paths, locks, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, etc. are equipped with luminescent markings and light up night after night, relentlessly, with the same intensity, always renewed.
Marie, Cyclist user every day between home and work (Source TV7 Bordeaux)
“The trail goes through the forest and is very dark at night. Until now I avoided taking it in winter, when I came back from work. Since the trail was painted, I take it a lot more often, I feel reassured
It’s amazing to see this tape lighting up in the middle of the night “
Eric Martin, Deputy Mayor of Pessac (Source La Tribune)
“Some people refused to take this cycle path and residents demanded the installation of public lighting, but it was too expensive!
To light this route, it would have been necessary to dig trenches, disturb tree roots and install relatively low light poles.
Pessac was also the first municipality with more than 50,000 inhabitants to have tested, in France, the switching off of public lighting at night “
Gilles Bernard, Deputy Mayor for Mobility (Source Le Dauphiné) on the effectiveness of LuminoKrom photoluminescent paint on the Pâquier cycle path in Annecy.
“The first assessment is very positive, insofar as at night we see an efficiency. This allows the cyclist to be reassured in a poorly lit place because we cannot put a vertical public lighting mast on the Pâquier”
The use of photoluminescent marking, Soon in your town?
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Technology developed by OliKrom with technical support from the Eiffage Group. Production in France (New Aquitaine)
SAS OLIKROM – 2 Avenue de Canteranne
33600 Pessac – France – 05 64 37 13 00